Wednesday, November 05, 2014

October Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Terry Genners at 6:36pm Wednesday October 3, 2014

Terry started the meeting off with introductions starting with the officers and then attendance.

Terry Genners, Sue Griscavage, Linda Hoy, Amy Snyder, Amanda Noblit, Jennifer Kehler, Angela Charnosky, Roxanne Zuber, Vanessa Stine, Lynn Madden, Stacey Hockenbrock, Jennifer Daubert, Kim Levan, Jen Dunkelberger, Kim Pesarchick, Alison Reuter, Christi Moncavage,  Tami Wiehe, Jillian Compton, Cindy Baylor, Ashley ( Scheller) Mchale, Bob Eick, Michelle Richards Williams, Judy Lynn Weaver, Allison Wetzel, Tera Schauer, Dawn Knoebel, Michelle Conway.

Next was the Vice Presidents report. Sue Griscavage didn’t have anything new to report. 

Treasurer Linda Hoy was next.  Review of budget and approval.  A 1st motion from Angela Charnosky and a 2nd from Lynn Madden.

Secretary’s report was next.  Amy Snyder just asked for a review and approval of September’s minutes.  1st motion Roxanne Zuber and 2nd from Bob Eick.

Terrry asked for any nominations for the Secretary’s position.  There was a nomination for Dawn Knoebel and she accepted her nomination.

Old Business.  Grandparent’s day went well.  Dawn asked why the date isn’t closer to Grandparents Day.

New Business.   We are in need of someone to take over the Campbell soup labels.

Fall picture day is coming up and there is a sign up sheet for anyone who would like to volunteer.

Fire prevention day is 10/9.  Lynn Madden is chairing the event.  Kim said she can get hoagies from Ponduce again.  Jennifer Daubert said she would make muffins for the event. Tera Schauer said she would donate chips and Michelle Conway is donating water.

Black and gold day 10/3

Celebrity day 10/10

Favorite Color day 10/24

Hartman Hustle is coming up on 10/31.  Angela gave a brief overview of the event.  They will be doing T-shirts this year for everyone that raises $25.  Discussion of rewards was next.  They have received several donations for the event already.

It was brought up that some of the Yankee Candle forms that went home where wrong.  New ones were printed and send home. 

Southern Clothing fundraiser.  Terry mentioned selling Tiger wear, it was brought up that the wear had to be specific to GC Hartman to get the profit. 

Scrip Cards.  We will have a list for next meeting, anything that didn’t receive 5 for last year will be dropped from the list for this year. 

A Chinese auction is in the begging process of being planned for next year.  We have already received 4 passes for Disney donated. 

Sue gave a brief overview of festival for parents that are new.  The schedule will run the same as last year. 

Homeroom parents were picked now.  For a list please contact Sue Griscavage. 

Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm with a 1st motion from Michelle and a 2nd from Angela Charnosky.