Sunday, September 12, 2010


H.A.R.T. Officers for this year are:
President-Karen Wojtowicz 799-5720 or klwojtowicz
Vice President-Cindy Hricenak 239-7404 or
Treasurer-Linda Hoy 672-3161 or
Secretary-Suzanne Kuijpers 672-1283 or


September 21-Sunglasses Day
September 28 and 29- Grandparent's Day
September 30- Non Instructional Day-No classes
October 1- Bloomsburg Fair Day-No classes
October 6-Fire Prevention Day
October 7- H.A.R.T. Meeting at 6:30
October 12-Fall Picture Day
November 1 through November 5-Book Fair

Reminder About School Spirit Days: 1st Friday of each month is
ROAR t-shirt day and 4th Friday of each month is Black and Gold Day

Our first meeting of the school year was held on Sept. 7. Thank you to all those who attended.

There will be a Hartman Festival Meeting on September 15 at 2:00 in the large group area.

We would like to remind everyone to sign up for Giant A+ Rewards and to make sure you are collecting box tops and Campbell's labels and sending them in with your child's homeroom marked on them. Additional information was sent home with your child.

We look forward to seeing everyone for our next H.A.R.T. meeting which will be on Thursday, October 7,2010 at 6:30 in the elementary library!!!
Check out our website for more information.

Thank You,

Suzanne Kuijpers, H.A.R.T. Secretary