Wednesday, October 20, 2010



October 26-Color Day-Each grade level should wear the following colors :
1st grade-Red
2nd grade-Yellow
3rd grade-Green
4th grade-Orange

October 28-Hartman Harvest Festival (Rain date is 10-29)

October 29- End of Marking Period

November 1-5- Book Fair

November 3-Hartman Turkey Bowl Begins

November 13-Muffins With Mom Event

Reminder about Harvest Festival: We will be collecting non-perishable food items that day to donate to local food pantries. Please check your food items to be sure they are not EXPIRED.

Don't forget our school spirit days: 1st Friday of each month is ROAR t - shirt day and the 4th Friday of every month is Black and Gold Day!

Our second H.A.R.T. meeting was held on October 7, 2010 and was well attended. Thanks to everyone who is coming out to these meetings. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary library. We hope to see everyone then!

Our Fall Fundraiser is underway and just a reminder that the Yankee Candle order forms and money are due on October 27. Please send in one check made payable to HART and make sure to include sales tax (6%) with your orders. Thanks for supporting this fundraiser as it enables us to pay for many HART events throughout the year!

Thank You,
Suzanne Kuijpers, HART Secretary

H.A.R.T. Officers Contact Information:
President: Karen Wojtowicz 799-5720 or
Vice President: Cindy Hricenak 239-7404 or
Treasurer: Linda Hoy 672-3161 or
Secretary: Suzanne Kuijpers 672-1283 or