Wednesday, September 21, 2011

H.A.R.T. MINUTES-September 2011

President, Karen Wojtowicz, brought the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. on September 14, 2011.

In attendance were as follows: Officers: President Karen Wojtowicz, Vice President Sue Griscavage, Treasurer Linda Hoy and Secretary Suzanne Kuijpers. Advisor Mr. Shirvinski and Teacher Rep. Tia Brown. Parents: Richard Miller, Jennifer Colella, Laurel Trathen, Heidi Andreatti, Tracy Bickert, Tera Krebs, Georgiann Noll, Vanessa Stine, Roxanne Zuber, Peggy Lyons, Terry Genners, Diane Mack, Amy Billig, Jen Dunkelberger, Kim Levan, Beth Nevius, Michelle Conway, Dawn Knoebel, Sherry Humphrey, Diana Hadjieva, Lisa Bernhard, Stephanie Mayernick, Gloria Seroskie, Danee Ryter-McCoog, Amy Snyder, Janel Yancoskie, Christi Moncavage, Laurie Morris, Hollie J. Helwig, Marsylvia Weaver, and Shannon Fisher.

Mr. Shirvinski gave a presentation on how to navigate the new Southern Columbia website. He explained that there will not be a school calendar mailed out this year due to budget cuts. You can now access a detailed calendar on the website. He said that you can click " view all " when you see calendar events and you will be able to see calendar pages by the month. You can see events from the elementary, middle and high school on the website. Elementary parents can also view the HART pages for minutes from the meetings and newsletters on the site as well. On the menus that are sent home with the children, you can find upcoming events also.The website is

The HART officers introduced themselves as did the parents in attendance of the meeting.

Sue Griscavage gave the Vice President's Report. She asked that those who are interested in becoming a Hartman Helper Volunteer or a homeroom parent, please send in their paperwork ASAP. You can also get in contact with Sue if you have questions. Sue also reminded the group that there is an orientation for first time Hartman Helpers on September 19th from 6:00-7:00 in the Large Group Area. Mr. Shirvinski added that you need to volunteer at least one hour per school year in some capacity to keep your clearances up to date.

Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's Report. The report was approved with a motion from Richard Miller and a second from Michelle Conway.
The class funds are as follows:
1st Grade: $2,234.58
2nd Grade: $2,318.09
3rd Grade: $3,671.67
4th Grade: $1,766.69
The General Fund Balance is $12,435.61

Linda explained that we were not prepared to vote on the budget for this school year yet because of possible changes in fundraisers. There was discussion on the possibility of doing Race For Education in the Spring rather than a Fall Fundraiser.There were two people opposed to not doing the Fall Fundraiser.It was decided that a committee should be formed to further this discussion and explore other fundraiser opportunities. There was a sign up sheet available after the meeting to join the fundraiser committee.

Suzanne Kuijpers gave the Secretary's Report. The report consisted of a review of minutes from the May meeting. There was a motion to approve the Secretary's Report by Sherry Humphrey and a second from Georgiann Noll.

Mr. Shirvinski gave the Principal's Report. He gave a huge thank you to HART for all the fundraising and volunteers for various events as it was a great school year last year. He also commented that the Back To School BBQ was a fun event as well. He reminded those present that it will be Grandparent's Day at G.C. Hartman on September 20 and 21. He asked for volunteers to greet the grandparents, etc. and sign ups were available after the meeting. Mr. Shirvinski explained that there will be school spirit days and a paper was sent home with the students telling you about them.
He reported that there is an elementary activity fund that is made up of checks from Box Tops, Labels For Education, Giant A Plus Rewards, etc.. This money is used solely for the students in the way of treats during PSSA testing, ROAR tee shirts, etc. Mr. Shirvinski said that he received a check for $1,180.78 form Box Tops and a check for $83.00 from Target Red Card. Campbell's Soup labels are redeemed for school equipment.
Mr. Shirvinski added that ROAR tee shirts are available for $7.00 if your child has outgrown their shirt. Mr. Shirvinski provides a ROAR shirt for students in Kindergarten.
Sue Griscavage reminded the parents that you must sign up every year for Giant A Plus Rewards and that forms will be going home with the students in the next week. She asked that when you send in the Box Tops and soup labels, to separate them in bags marked with the child's homeroom teacher.
Mr. Shirvinski will let everyone know when we will be making up the flood days as soon as he hears from the board. He reminded everyone of Meet and Greet Night which is on the 15th and he said that the students do not need to be present as it is mainly for the parents.It was also discussed that RIF will continue despite the government discontinuing the program. It will be funded through HART but only held one time per year.

Karen discussed Old Business. She asked for feedback on the time change of the BBQ but there were no comments. She discussed that the Kindergarten Orientation went well and is a good way to ease anxiety on the part of the parents and meet the teachers.

Karen spoke of new business which focused on committee chair persons. She said sign up sheets would be available after the meeting for Harvest Festival- we are looking for someone to co-chair the event with Sue Griscavage. This is an all day fun event for students in K-4 but you must sign up to volunteer for that day. The festival will be held on October 28th.
Fire Safety Day will be held on October 5th : this event is for grades K, 1 and 3. Volunteers needed to set up lunch, etc. for the firemen.
October 11th will be Fall Picture Day. Order forms for yearbooks will be going home with the kids soon.

Laurie Morris from the SMART organization asked for a volunteer to take over the position of Secretary. Anyone who has children in middle school and is interested in the position, should contact Laurie or any of the HART officers. The SMART meetings are held on the first Monday of every month.

Karen thanked everyone for coming to our first HART meeting of this school year. She reminded everyone that the meetings will be on the first Wednesday of each month, except for April which will be on the first Tuesday.
The meeting was adjourned by Karen at 8:00 p.m. with a motion from Heidi Andreatti and a second from Diane Mack.