Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The meeting was brought to order at 6:37 p.m. on November 2, 2011 by Karen Wojtowicz, HART President.

In attendance were: Officers-President Karen Wojtowicz, Vice President Sue Griscavage, Treasurer Linda Hoy, Secretary Suzanne Kuijpers and Advisor Mr. Shirvinski. Parents: Heidi Zimmerman, Tracy Bickert, Dawna Knoebel, Sherry Humphrey, Vanessa Stine, Lisa Bernhard,Kim Levan, Beth Nevius, Diane Mack, Michelle Conway, Christi Moncavage, Peggy Lyons, Roxanne Zuber, Lynn Madden, Dawn Knoebel, Richard Miller and Kristene Baldwin.

Mr. Shirvinski began the meeting with a slide show from the Harvest Festival. He thanked all the volunteers who helped out that day. He also thanked HART for funding the event which the children loved. Karen Wojtowicz thanked everyone as well, as the day was great fun for the kids. Both Mr. Shirvinski and Karen thanked Sue Griscavage and Sherry Humphrey for organizing the event! They further added that the local food banks were very grateful for the donation of canned food, etc. Their shelves had been depleted during the flood, etc so it was great timing to re-stock them before the holidays.
Sue Griscavage spoke about the Harvest Festival later in the meeting but had nothing in addition to that for the Vice President's Report.
Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's Report. She said there were no changes to the class funds. The General Funds balance was $11,021.16 as of 10-31-11. Class funds remain as below:
4th Grade- $1,766.69
3rd Grade- $3,671.67
2nd Grade-$2,318.09
1st Grade-$2,234.58
The Treasurer's Report was approved with a motion from Richard Miller and a second from Lynn Madden.
Suzanne Kuijpers gave the Secretary's Report which consisted of a review of the October Minutes. There were two changes made to those Minutes: Heidi Andreatti is now Heidi Zimmerman and Maria Panko is now serving as Homeroom Parent for Mrs. Habowski. The October Minutes were then approved with a motion from Michelle Conway and a second from Lynn Madden.
Mr. Shirvinski gave the President's Report. He announced the winners of the Classroom Pumpkin Decorating Contest:
1st GRADE-Miss Merook
2nd GRADE-Mrs. Rhodes
3rd GRADE-Mrs. Pfirman
4th GRADE-Mrs. Harder
The winners will receive an ice cream party for their class!!
Mr. Shirvinski announced that he received a check from Giant A-Plus Rewards for $1,226.60 which was from points accrued last school year.
He explained that report cards will be distributed on November 10th and will now include copies of the student's DIBELS test results.
Mr. Shirvinski explained that students who are observed adhering to the school wide rules and exhibiting good behavior will be receiving special " respect and responsibility" pins at an assembly.
Under the topic of Old Business, Sue Griscavage spoke about Harvest Festival. She said that we came in under budget at $971.43 with the allowance of $1500.00. She noted that the games were a big hit this year. There was a suggestion for next year to have additional volunteers at the snack area, as it is very busy, and also was time consuming making the drinks and carrying them down to the play ground area. She gave a big thank you to everyone as the event seemed to be greatly enjoyed by the kids. She further noted that the blow up slides were another big hit and were rented from John Glosek of The Igloo ,who was very reasonable in his prices and helpful in the set up, etc. Both Sherry Humphrey and Sue also thanked the individuals and local businesses who made donations to the festival as well!
Karen Wojtowicz discussed New Business. She said that we will continue to have one RIF Day per year which will be funded by HART since it is no longer funded through the government. This day will be on December 9th which is held in conjunction with Pajama Day ( held on Dec.8th).Renelle Wetzel is the chairperson for RIF Day.
We were reminded that the A.R. Program is up and running and children should be encouraged to participate. It is primarily done in 2nd-4th grades and there are incentives for student participation. Dawna Knoebel is the chairperson for the A.R. program.
Steph Mayernick asked Karen to pass along info on Labels 4 Education. She said that you can earn extra points with Fall Collection Sheets-log on to for more information. She announced the top 5 homerooms in Box Tops, Labels For Education contest so far:
Mrs. Spotts 3165
Mrs. Gratti 2161
Mrs. Rhodes 1201
Mrs. Crisp 1038
Mrs. Rodriguez 866
Sue Griscavage mentioned that she has sent in over $800.00 worth of Box Tops since June. It was also mentioned that some retailers will give box tops for online shopping. Look up which retailers participate on Box Tops 4
Heidi Zimmerman talked about the Sheetz Coupon Book Fundraiser. She said we sold 681 books with a profit of $2,800.00. Karen thanked Heidi and Tracy Bickert for organizing the fundraiser.
Karen reminded everyone that the Fall Book Fair would be held 10-31-11 to 11-5-11. Danee Ryter McCoog is the chairperson for Book Fair and you can contact her if you want to volunteer to set up, work at book fair or help with break down on 11-5-11.
Karen opened up a discussion of ideas for Family Night. Suggestions were made to have Karaoke, Wii Game Night, Minute to Win It Games, Movie Night, Just Dance Wii Competition.
A committee will be formed to plan a Family Night for after the holidays . A sign up sheet for this committee was available after the meeting.
Karen asked if there was any interest in having a Christmas Shopping event for the students and there was no interest due to busy holiday season and not enough time to plan the shop.
There was discussion about the holiday Scrip cards fundraiser and the fact that people have asked to deliver them sooner. The order forms will be going home with the children on November 7th and are due back on November 18th. This will enable delivery in early December. Participation in this fundraiser is optional and is done more as a service to families wishing to purchase gift cards at the holiday season.
There were some questions about a Spring Fundraiser and Linda Hoy explained that we are looking into doing Race For Education or Fit For Funds. She will see if someone from Fit For Funds can come to our December meeting to explain the fundraiser to us.
Lisa Bernhard told those in attendance that North Schuylkill School is interested in brain storming with other schools about getting more parent involvement, etc and she passed along contact info to Karen Wojtowicz.
Karen reminded everyone that our next HART Meeting will be on December 7th at 6:30 in the library and it will be our Holiday Cookie Exchange Meeting!! Please plan to attend this fun meeting-bring 1 or 2 dozen cookies with you along with copies of your cookie recipe to share with everyone.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. with a motion from Heidi Zimmerman and a second from Tracy Bickert.