Thursday, December 22, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by President Karen Wojtowicz.

In attendance were: Officers: President Karen Wojtowicz, Vice President Sue Griscavage, Treasurer Linda Hoy and Advisor Mr. Shirvinski. Parents: Heidi Zimmerman, Tia Brown, Michelle Conway, Tara Michaels, Rich Miller, Peggy Lyons, Roxanne Zuber, Terry Genners, Dawn Knoebel , Diane Mack and Kristene Baldwin.

Tara Michaels from Fit For Funds began the meeting with an explanation of the fundraiser. Information can be found at www.Fit For

Sue Griscavage had nothing new to report in the Vice President's Report.

Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's Report.The General Fund balance is $15,870.51.
The Class Funds are as follows:
4Th GRADE- $1,766.69
3rd GRADE- $3,671.67
2nd GRADE- $2,318.09
1st GRADE- $2,234.58

The November Treasurer's Report was approved with a motion from Heidi Zimmerman and a second from Rich Miller.

Sue Griscavage gave the Secretary's Report in the absence of Suzanne Kuijpers, which consisted of a review of the November Minutes. The Minutes were approved with a motion from Roxanne Zuber and a second from Michelle Conway.

Mr. Shirvinski gave the Principal's Report. He thanked Karen Wojtowicz for setting up the volunteers for Pajama Day. The event went well and he thanked all those who helped out.
He said that Mrs. Gratti wanted to inform us that the cost for coach buses for the Hershey field trip is $625.00 per bus and 3 will be needed for that day. This amount would come out of the 1st Grade class fund.
Mr. Shirvinski noted that the school board approved having December 16th off, if Southern wins the game on 12-9, as that would be the State Championship game.
The Turkey Bowl winners are as follows: Mrs. Faust, Mrs. Pfirman and Mr. Horne. The next contest is the Snow Day Prediction contest and the winner will get a class party.
Mr. Deeter will be in the Guidance Office the rest of the school year. He may be coming to a HART meeting and we will be looking at topics to discuss.
Mr. Shirvinski discussed the McDonald's Anti Bullying Program and there was positive feedback on this. There was discussion about staff working at McDonald's for a 2 hour span as a fundraiser.
Mr. Hauer and Mr. Deeter coordinated the coat drive and they were able to give 45 children coats, hats and gloves.

Karen Wojtowicz discussed both old and new business. There were some questions about the difference between Fit For Funds and Race For Education .
The profit from Scrip Cards is : $2069.75
The profit from Sheetz Coupons: $2630.00
RIF Day will be held December 9th and each student in K-4 will receive a free book.
The top classes for Box Tops are as follows:
Mrs. Rhodes-1444
Mrs. Spotts-1296
Mrs. Sharrow-988
Mrs. Harder-361
Mrs. Varano-338
Karen explained some ideas for Family Fun Night which came out of a recent committee meeting. Wii games ( Guitar Hero, sports games, Rock Band, Dance) are a possibility. There was also a discussion of a D.J. Dance Party or Karaoke and possibly a bounce house. Also some discussion of snacks (chips,pretzels,juice or water) took place,as well as a coloring contest and inviting the teachers and possibly doing invitations. All of these are just thoughts and not yet decided on. Family Fun Night is scheduled for 2-3-12 and the budget amount is $1000.00. There is a Movie Night also being planned for March 2012 with a budget of $500.00.

There was a vote on whether to do Fit For Funds or Race For Education for our Spring Fundraiser. Fit For Funds is the winner of this vote and will be possibly taking place May 1st to coincide with May's Fitness Month. This will need to be confirmed with Tara Michaels and the school.
Karen thanked everyone for coming out to this meeting and also thanked everyone for all the help that is given to the HART events.
Our next meeting will be January 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the elementary library.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. with a motion from Rich Miller and a second from Kristene Baldwin.