Monday, September 17, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 on September 5, 2012 by President, Terry Genners.

In attendance were: Officers: President Terry Genners, Vice President Sue Griscavage, and Advisor Mr. Shirvinski. The meeting minutes were taken by previous HART Secretary, Suzanne Kuijpers. Parents in attendance were: Allison Wetzel, Amy Snyder, Janel Yancoskie, Andrea Koch, Stephanie Mayernick, Dawn Knoebel, Karen Wojtowicz, Danee Ryter McCoog, Robert Eick, Melissa Eick, Tara Heffner, Judy Lynn Weaver, Lisa Bernhard, Mary Knoebel, Amy Billig, Ang Charnosky, Tia Brown, Julie Petro, Sherry Humphrey, Jill Swank, Gloria Seroskie, Diane Mack, Jen Dunkelberger, Jodi Podgurski, Kim Levan, Richard Miller, Karen Cecco and Michelle Conway.
Introductions of officers and all those present at the meeting took place.

Sue had nothing new to report in the Vice President's Report.

Treasurer Linda Hoy was not present for this meeting so the Treasurer's Report was given by Sue Griscavage. The general fund balance stands at $5,564.50. The class funds are as follows:
1st Grade: $844.16
2nd Grade: $1,315.49
3rd Grade: $2,834.00
4th Grade: $2,164.61
Sue explained to everyone the difference between class funds and the general fund. She further explained that class funds are used for field trips,etc. and that a portion of fundraising money is allocated to the classes based on percentage of students in each grade who participate.
The Treasurer's Report was approved with a motion by Karen Wojtowicz and a second from Sherry Humphrey.

Suzanne Kuijpers gave the Secretary's report which consisted only of a review of the May minutes. The May minutes were approved with a motion from Danee Ryter McCoog and a second from Janel Yancoskie.

Mr. Shirvinski gave the Principal's Report. He first spoke of the school wide positive behavior program (positive paws club). He said the goal is to recognize all positive behavior that is being exhibited everyday. He said that the students get to sign the "celebrity book" when they have received a paw pass and then they go on the board in the lobby and can possibly win an incentive (known only to Mr. Shirvinski). He further explained that the students have been instructed on what the expectations are on the bus, in the classrooms, lunch room, etc.. If they do not follow the rules, they are "re-taught" the expectations.
Mr. Shirvinski thanked HART for donating $2,000.00 to the new ROAR tee shirts that were given to all elementary students. The remainder of the money for the tee shirts came from the activity fund. There are additional tee shirts for anyone who is interested and they will sell for $7.00.
Mary Knoebel reminded everyone that the Giant A Plus Rewards Program will begin on October 7th.She also reminded parents that you need to register your card every year and encouraged people to do so as the money received from Giant then goes to the student activity fund. Mr. Shirvinski thanked Mary for her help with the Giant Rewards Program.
Mr. Shirvinski then spoke about some ideas for creating a data base of parent email addresses so that parents could communicate with one another and possibly send birthday invitations. Mr. Shirvinski explained that birthday invitations cannot be passed out at school and this data base would provide a way for parents to get information to each other about parties, etc.. This would be strictly parent to parent communication. HART is looking for someone willing to take on the task of putting this all together. If you are interested in this, please see Mr. Shirvinski or one of the HART officers.
Mr. Shirvinski also thanked the volunteers who have been coming in to help with the Kindergarten lunches-sign up sheet is available looking for few more volunteers for this.
The Tiger Talk newsletter is available online and Mr. Shirvinski said it can be found under parent resources. He encouraged parents to check this for information as well as the district calendar for important dates.
Fire Prevention Day will take place on October 10th and Mr. Shirvinski said volunteers will be needed from 8:30-12:00 that day to help serve lunch to the firemen,etc.. Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 3rd Grade will go to the demonstrations that day.
Mr. Shirvinski told parents that Mr. Deeter will be attending an upcoming HART meeting and further explained that he is taking the permanent position previously held by Mrs. Brecht in the Guidance Department.

Terry Genners covered various topics under Old Business. She said that the Back To School BBQ will be held now on the night of Meet and Greet which is September 13th. Parents will have the opportunity to meet your child's teacher and learn grade expectations.She asked for people to send in their RSVP's for this event as soon as possible.She added that the grills and bottled water for the BBQ are being donated by Knoebel's and thanked them for their generosity. Sign up sheet still available for volunteers needed for this event.
Sue Griscavage said that Kindergarten orientation went well and she is hopeful that there will be good participation in HART this year. It was also mentioned that HART will be open to suggestions from parents for guest speakers for future HART meetings.
Terry added that the new ROAR tee shirts have been distributed to all students.

Under the topic of New Business, Mr. Shirvinski made a motion to accept the resignation of HART Secretary Kristene Baldwin. Kristene resigned from her position over the summer due to other obligations. This motion received a second from Richard Miller.There was then a motion to nominate Amy Snyder to the Secretary position by Jen Dunkelberger. Her motion received a second from Karen Wojtowicz. Both of these motions were voted on unanimously by all those present at the meeting. Amy Snyder will now serve as the new HART Secretary.
The HART budget for this school year was then reviewed by those present at the meeting and all were given the opportunity to ask questions regarding this.This year's budget was approved with a motion by Amy Snyder and a second from Richard Miller.
Terry then explained to everyone the various chairpersons involved in school activities. She explained that Renelle Wetzel is in charge of RIF (looking for new name for this program as it is no longer government sponsored). Mr. Shirvinski said that we may be looking into giving out a coupon to students which they could redeem at Book Fair (Amount not to exceed $3.99) for one book as opposed to having RIF book distribution day.
Terry said that the A.R. Program chairperson is Dawna Knoebel.
Campbell's Soup Labels and Tyson are taken care of by Stephanie Mayernick.
HART is currently looking for someone to take over the handling of Box Top collection and submission.
She explained that we have a contest for the classes with a combined total of Tyson, Box Tops and Campbell's labels and the top 3 classes receive a party at the end of the year.
Mr. Shirvinski added that we received over $4,000.00 last school year from Box Tops,etc. which goes in to the Activity Fund which purchases things for the school and students. Sue Griscavage told everyone that you can even receive Box Tops from online shopping. Amy Snyder and Janel Yancoskie volunteered to take over Box Tops at this time. Terry thanked them for coming forward to take on this task.
Terry told those present that Grandparent's Day will be on September 18th and 19th and HART will be looking for a few volunteers for these days.
She reminded parents that students will be permitted to wear flip flops on Sept. 21st for "FLIP FLOP FRIDAY".
Sue Griscavage spoke about the upcoming Fall Festival which will take place on October 26th. She said that it is an all day event held outside in which the students play games, do a craft, enjoy a snack ,etc. It is held in conjunction with a canned food drive which gets distributed to local food pantries. Sue Griscavage and Sherry Humphrey co-chaired this event last year. There will be a sign up sheet for those interested in being part of the festival planning committee.
It was also mentioned that the Fall Book Fair will be held Oct.26-Nov.1 and is open to the public. Danee Ryter Mc Coog is the chairperson for Book Fair and she will be looking for volunteers to help with this event as well.
Terry spoke of HART Fall Fundraising which will include the Tiger Wear sale and Sheetz coupon books. Info on Tiger Wear was already sent home with the students and Sheetz info will be upcoming.
Mr. Shirvinski thanked those who have registered their Target Visa card with G.C. Hartman . They have a reward program and he recently received a check from them which also goes into the activity fund. If you have a Target Visa you can designate G.C. Hartman with them and participate in the reward program.
Sue also reminded those at the meeting to use your Boyer's Rewards cards as well-HART has more Boyer's cards for those who do not already have one.
Mr.  Shirvinski spoke about the Hartman Helpers Volunteer Program. He said that this is a program for those who want to help in a long term capacity in the library, cafeteria, office , classrooms, etc.. This is not for those who just want to volunteer for class room parties , etc as you need to have your clearances for the Hartman Helpers Program. Your clearances stay good as long as you continue to volunteer. Papers went home with students about this program and should be sent back in as soon as possible. Mr. Shirvinski encouraged people to get the word out to grandparents in the community as we would love to have them volunteer as well.
Mr. Shirvinski addressed questions regarding the problems with the air conditioning system. He said that an engineer will be looking at the system to trouble shoot as the system is not currently working properly. He said that there are fans in the classrooms but some of them are still very warm and so you should dress your children appropriately.
Sherry Humphrey suggested we do some fundraising to try to raise funds to purchase new playground equipment. She mentioned the idea of a penny drive, etc. to get the ball rolling. Mr. Shirvinski asked if she would be willing to chair a committee to look into the possibility of this. Sherry agreed and will be forming a committee soon-sign up sheet available for those interested in helping her with this project.
Richard Miller suggested we do something special for teachers around the holidays-this will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting.
Terry reminded everyone that our next meeting will be on October 3rd and homeroom parents will be picked at this meeting.
Terry thanked everyone for coming to our first HART meeting of the school year and thanked everyone for their input.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. with a motion by Karen Cecco and a second from Richard Miller.