Monday, January 06, 2014


HART Meeting December 2013
The meeting was called to order at 6:39 pm on December 4, 2013 by president Terri Genners.
In attendance were Officers: President Terri Genners, Treasurer Linda Hoy, and Advisor Mr. Fetterman. Parents in attendance were:Kim Levan, Dawn Knoebel, Gloria Seroskie, Michelle Richards-Williams, Tia Brown, Judy Lynn Weaver, Cindy Baylor, Sherry Humphrey.

Vice President Sue Griscavage was absent from meeting no report given.
Linda Hoy gave Treasurer’s report. The general acct balance stands at $7,722.66
Class Funds are as follows:
Kindergarten: $1,727.60
1st grade: $2,252.89
2nd grade: $552.75
3rd grade: $2,530.92
4th grade: $2,143.05
The Treasurer’s report was approved with a motion by Dawn Knoebel and a second by Tia Brown.
Terri Genner gave Secretary’s report in Amy Snyder’s absence which consisted of review of November minutes. November minutes were approved with a motion by Sherry Humphrey with a second by Roxanne Zuber.
The Principal’s report began with Terri Genner’s introducing John Fetterman as the new elementary principal.  Mr. Fetterman gave parents background of himself. Talked about going to school at Southern and how happy he was to be back.
Linda Hoy discussed briefly about scrip cards. Total sales $25,930.00, total profit: $4,252.00
Linda Hoy talked about possible spring fundraiser ideas such as: Gertrude Hawk, Sensig Candles, Schwanns, and Scrip cards. This topic to be discussed further at January meeting.
Sherri Humphrey discussed Pennies for Playground. The total is $21,332.88. Next, she discussed previous fundraisers and profits. Brewser’s night raised $311.52, bus trip: $1,085.00, high school bake sale: $186.50. Sherri purchased I PAD for box top contest at cost of $299.00 total with tax $317.00. She will bring in next meeting to show parents.  Up coming pennies for playground events: First penny collection  will be Fri 12/6/13, Box top contest will resume in January, Brewser’s night Feb 9th, bus trip to D.C. to be determined.
Next, Terri Genners talked about upcoming events: PJ day 12/10, Salvation Army food drive ends 12/6, 4th gr music program 12/11 @ 9:15, red & green day 12/20, winter recess 12/23-1/2.
Sherri Humphrey mentioned fundraiser idea of asking different vendors to attend an upcoming family event at school to sell their products.
Michelle Williams presented idea of online soliciting for fundraiser. She explained there are websites(, and that you can go on to earn funds for school.  Both Michelle and Tia Brown agreed to work together to  check into websites and possibly set up one for our school.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm with a motion from Dawn Knoebel and second from Tia Brown.