Thursday, November 11, 2010


President, Karen Wojtowicz, brought the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. on November 4,2010.

In attendance were: Officers- President Karen Wojtowicz, Treasurer Linda Hoy, Secretary Suzanne Kuijpers, Advisor Mr. Shirvinski, Teacher Rep. Diane Wittig Musser. Parents: Jen Dunkelberger, Allison Clark, Diane Mack, Brenda Brassington, Michelle Conway, Dawn Knoebel, Lisa Shufeldt, Roxanne Zuber, Georgiann Noll, Dana Carroll-Lucas, Kim Levan, Susan Griscavage, Regina Longenhagen, Cheryl Roadarmel, Dawna Knoebel, Janel Yankoskie, Lynn Madden, Marsylvia Weaver, Heidi Andreatti, and Amy Snyder.

Karen Wojtowicz gave the Vice President's Report in Cindy's absence. She thanked all the volunteers and homeroom parents for all the work on the Harvest Festival and classroom parties. The day was a great success and the kids had a great time.

Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's Report. The ending balance as of 10-31-10 was $2472.59. The class funds are as follows:
Kindergarten: $100.00
1st Grade: $1614.05
2nd Grade:$ 866.74
3rd Grade:$1501.71
4th Grade:$2069.85

The Treasurer's Report was approved by a motion from Allison Clark and a second by Michelle Conway.

Suzanne Kuijpers asked for a review of the October Minutes which were approved by a motion from Dana Carroll-Lucas and a second from Jen Dunkelberger. This concluded the Secretary's Report.

Mr. Shirvinski gave the Principal's Report. He addressed complaints that were received by the office regarding the fall pictures. Lifetouch reported receiving complaints from parents who did not like their children's pictures because their hair was not combed. Mr. Shirvinski noted that he said not to comb hair because in the past there were complaints that hair was restyled and parted on the wrong side by volunteers. November 19 is Picture retake day for anyone not happy with their pictures.
Mr. Shirvinski said that report cards will go home on November 17. The elementary school has been undergoing changes so that report cards will now be computer generated.
The Turkey Bowl is underway. Mr. Shirvinski pulls classes out of a hat each day and they advance a certain number of yards. The winner will get an extra recess!!
Mr. Shirvinski also noted that Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on November 22 and 23. There is no school from 11-22 to 11-29.

Karen Wojtowicz discussed both old and new business. She gave a thank you to Sue Griscavage who organized the Harvest Festival. Karen said the event was a big success and also thanked those who helped in any way that day. Sue G. commented that the committee worked well together and that the games were a big hit (except when the wind was involved). The kids enjoyed the sand art project as well. Sue G. gave a big thank you to Dave Morgan who donated his time as well as a giant wooden pumpkin bean bag toss game!! A thank you also to Tom's Rest. for donating coffee to volunteeers and Knoebel's for ping pong balls. Beth Nevus did a great job photographing the event!
Allison Clark, Fundraising Chair Person, gave an overview of the Yankee Candle Fundraiser. She said that it was very successful and raised $34,511.98 with a 40% profit of $13,804.79. There were several people who made donations in lieu of doing the fundraiser , which boosted the profit to $14,354.79. She gave a huge thank you to all those who participated in this fundraiser and those who made the generous donations. Our top seller was Denny Stine (Kindergarten) who sold $463.22. Great job!!
The Book Fair took place November 1-5 in a new location. The Book Fair is now being held in the large group area with Dane'e Ryter McCoog as the Chairperson.
The new business for the meeting was a discussion of the upcoming Muffins With Mom event to be held on Nov.13 from 10:00 -11:30. Georgiann Noll is the chairperson for this event and has planned a craft which will involve bracelets with a fall theme. She is getting muffins from Rita's Bakery and milk from the cafeteria for the event. Participants can make monetary donations to Children's Miracle Network at the event.
There was a discussion of Reading Night which will possibly be held on April 8,2011 to coincide with the Spring Book Fair. More details will be upcoming at future meetings.
Donuts With Dad will be held on Feb. 26,2011 and HART is still looking for a chairperson for this event.
The Holiday Gift Card Fundraiser will be taking place again as a service to parents with a small profit for HART. The list will be sent home on Nov.10th and is due back on Dec. 1 with the payment.Payment needs to be in the form of a check made payable to HART. The gift cards will be sent home with your child on Dec.17th.
Allison Clark gave info about a SMART fundraiser taking place on December 4 in the high school cafeteria. Cookies and Milk With Santa will be from 2-4 that day and a $5.00 fee will get you a picture with Santa.

Mr. Shirvinski asked for a motion to approve a $375.00 payment to Box Of Light for an upcoming assembly. It was approved with a motion by Diane Mack and a second from Heidi Andreatti.

Karen Wojtowicz made an announcement that she will be stepping down as H.A.R.T. President due to other obligations. Vice President , Cindy Hricenak, will take over the position. Karen said that she will continue to help from behind the scenes as much as possible.

December 2 will be our next meeting and a Cookie Exchange will take place at the meeting. Bring 2 dozen homemade cookies and 15-20 copies of the recipe along with you. Bring a few baggies along to tote home your cookies!
Please note that if school is canceled because of inclement weather on the day of a HART meeting, the meeting will be canceled as well.
We continue to have great turnout for the HART meetings and we are so grateful to everyone who has been coming to them!!!!!!

Karen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. . The motion was approved by Diane Mack and a second from Jen Dunkelberger.


President Karen -----799-5720
Vice President Cindy
Treasurer Linda
Secretary Suzanne