Sunday, November 14, 2010



November 17-Camouflage Day
November 17-Elementary Report Cards Distributed
November 19-Hartman Turkey Bowl Ends
November 19-Memory Book Sale Ends
November 22 and 23-Parent Teacher Conferences (No Classes)
November 24-Non Instructional Day (No Classes)
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Recess (School Closed)
December 1- Holiday Scrip Card Fundraiser Order Sheets and Payment Due
December 2-H.A.R.T. Meeting 6:30 in the Library (Cookie Exchange)

Our last HART meeting was held on November 4,2010. The meeting was once again well attended and we thank everyone who has been coming out to them. We are having a Holiday Cookie Exchange at our next meeting on December 2 at 6:30. We hope you can join us for this fun event ! If you are interested in participating, please bring 1-2 dozen homemade cookies along with 15 or 20 copies of your recipe.Prior to the start of our regular meeting we will enjoy some social time along with some yummy cookies!!

Our Fall Fundraiser of Yankee Candles was very successful and we would like to thank everyone who participated and made donations to HART.. Thank you to Allison Clark who organized the fundraiser for all her hard work!

Another thank you goes to Sue Griscavage who organized the Hartman Harvest Festival. The festival was a fun day for all! Thanks to all those who came to volunteer that day! The donations to the local food pantries were well appreciated.

Our Fall Book Fair was held in a new location in the large group area. The fair was held November 1-5, and also had a Grand Event on November 6 where the kids could come and shop with someone special in their lives and enjoy some milk and cookies. Thanks to Dane'e Ryter McCoog for all her hard work organizing the fair and also thanks to those who volunteered to work at it.

Our Scrip Card Program is underway again for the second year. Letters and order forms were sent home with the students and are due back on Dec. 1. This is a great way to get your holiday gift cards without the hassle and start working on your holiday shopping. If you choose to participate in this program, the orders and payment are due on Dec. 1. Please make your check payable to HART and do not send cash. The gift cards will be sent home with your child on December 17.

The officers of HART would like to wish everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
We hope to see you at our next meeting on December 2 at 6:30 in the elementary library!

Thank You,
Suzanne Kuijpers, HART Secretary

President: Karen Wojtowicz 799-5720 or
Vice President: Cindy Hricenak 239-7404 or
Treasurer: Linda Hoy 672-3161 or
Secretary: Suzanne Kuijpers 672-1283 or