Friday, January 02, 2015

December Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Terry Genners at 6:35pm on December 3, 2014

In attendance were:  Officers - Terry Genners, Sue Griscavage, Linda Hoy, Dawn Knoebel; Teacher Rep. - Tia Brown; Parents - Amanda Noblit, Kim Levan, and Michell Conway

Sue Griscavage had nothing new for the Vice President's Report.

Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's report.  Our balance is $23,656.13 and class funds are as follows:
Kindergarten - $435.00
1st Grade - $2,285.77
2nd Grade - $2,943.78
3rd Grade - $519.37
4th Grade - $2,460.42
The report was approved with a motion from Michelle Conway and a second from Kim Levan.

Secretary's report.  The November meeting minutes were reviewed.  There was a motion to approve from Amanda Noblit and a second from Michelle Conway.

Mr. Fetterman was absent due to a Board Meeting.

Old Business
Script cards were ordered in November and delivered in December.  Some extras are still available. See Linda Hoy or Jennifer Delsite.

New Business & Upcoming Events
There was discussion on cancelling future December meetings due to lack of attendance.
Thank you to all that brought cookies for the cookie exchange.
A Buddy Bench was donated.  No information was available.
A discussion was held about the Spring Fundraiser:  Wolfgang Candy & possible basket raffle/Chinese auction in March.

Black and gold day 12/5
Hat day 12/12
Red and green day 12/23
3rd Grade holiday concert 12/23
Winter Recess 12/24 - 1/2

Next meeting will be Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 6:30pm in the elementary library.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:23pm with a motion from Michelle Conway and a second from Kim Levan.

Dawn Knoebel, Secretary