Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Terry Genners at 6:34pm on January 7, 2015.

In attendance were:  Officers - Terry Genners, Sue Griscavage, Linda Hoy, Dawn Knoebel;  Principal - John Fetterman;  Parents - Roxanne Zuber, Kim Levan, Julie Petro, Tera Krebs, Sherry Humphrey, Amanda Noblit, JudyLynn Weaver, Vanessa Stine, and Kristin Gemberling.

Sue Griscavage had nothing new for the Vice President's report.

Linda Hoy gave the Treasurer's report.  Our balance is $20,918.07 and class funds are as follows:
Kindergarten - $435.00
1st Grade - $2,285.77
2nd Grade - $2,943.78
3rd Grade - $519.37
4th Grade - $2,460.42
The report was approved with a motion from Roxanne Zuber and a second from Julie Petro.

Secretary's report.  The December meeting minutes were reviewed.  A correction...JudyLynn Weaver was added to the attendance.  There was a motion to approve from Sherry Humphrey and a second from Amanda Noblit.

Principal's report.  Mr. Fetterman thanked everybody for their hard work and dedication to the school and all the students.

Old Business
Pennies for our Playground still has some money left in the account.  Thinking of ways to use it.  Some ideas were playground balls for each classroom and/or a weather center.

New Business
Box Tops update:  November $1,574.50.  Last check received was $2,995.70.  December $839.00.  Next contest will be in February.
ReadnQuiz:  Milk & Cookie party and award cart for anybody with at least 40 points will be soon.  Exact date was not known.

Black and Gold Day 1/9
No Classes ACT 80 Day 1/19
Two Hour Delay 1/14
Twin or Triplet Day 1/16
Jersey Day 1/30
Family Fun Nights Skating Party 2/14 & 2/15

Spring Fundraiser:  Wolfgang Candy - Sales start January 30th, Orders Due February 17th, Delivery March 25th.  Will be individually packed with students names.

Basket Raffle has been postponed until the Fall, maybe during Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Looking for volunteers to form a committee.  We have 4 Disney Hopper Passes that we received through a Cyber Grant.  And considering having a Bake Sale/Refreshments.  Michelle Conway received a donation of 1,000 tickets from National Ticket Company.

A spring bus trip to Baltimore is being considered for an additional fundraiser.

Sue Griscavage and Linda Hoy will resign their Officer positions at the end of the school year.  Vice President and Treasurer positions will be up for election at Family and Community Night.

Teacher Appreciation week is coming up in May.  Looking for volunteers to form a committee.  We provide lunch for the teachers everyday, and raffle off small donated items/gift cards.

Thank you to Sherry Humphrey and Dawn Knoebel for making treat bags for the teachers at Christmas.

A Buddy Bench was donated by Dan Hauer and Brewser's SportsGrille.  A dedication ceremony will be in the spring.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 6:30pm in the library.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm with a motion from Vanessa Stine and a second from Kim Levan.

Dawn Knoebel, Secretary